Calibration of Test Measuring Instruments

Mert Bilgüsi (Writer) 29 March 2024

What is Calibration?

Calibration is the process of determining whether the other measuring instrument measures correctly, determining the deviation situations and documenting them by using a reference measurement standard or system with known accuracy under specified conditions.

The operation of the device does not mean that the system makes accurate and error-free measurements, and usually such issues are always ignored and skipped, and calibration is perceived as an unnecessary process.

Companies with calibration awareness are sensitive to this issue because they know the importance of calibration well, since incorrect measurement will cause irreversible and negative effects on the process.

As an example: As a result of a few degrees over or under measurement of the thermometer in the pediatric department of the hospital, irreversible results will be obtained that will negatively affect the treatment methods to be applied to children.

In order not to face such consequences, companies should have periodic calibration.

Calibration will be tested and certified by accredited institutions; In the picture below, the calibration process has been performed by the accredited organization and indicates the certificate numbers.

What are the benefits of calibration?

  • It reveals the measurement standards of the devices produced by companies.
  •  Improves the quality of the product and production.
  •  Indicates that it is in international standards.
  • Compatibility with other company products is ensured.
  • Increases the possibility of competition.
Some measurement standards that can be calibrated:

Electrical Calibration: DC/AC volts, DC/AC amps, DC/AC power, power factor, resistance, capacity, frequency, thermometer and oscilloscope
Mechanical Calibration: Pressure, size, scale, humidity and torque
Make sure to have the calibration done by an accredited institution...