There are some precautions to be taken before starting to repair an electronic card.
The problem that reveals these precautions to be taken is ESD, that is, ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE, as described in the title of the subject, is the static charge generated by friction with low current and high voltage in the human body. These charges in the human body are high enough to damage electronic cards. These are especially loads that can disrupt programmable components. Friends dealing with repair often encounter such problems. When these electrostatic discharge methods are touched to the cards without taking any precautions to check the defective card and the intact card, it may be encountered that the intact card may deteriorate. In other words, when the antistatic electricity in our body touches the card, this charge will flow to the card, causing the card to most likely malfunction or damage.
The list below shows the sensitivity of component products to these charges.

The list below shows how the human body stores these charges in a humid environment.