İhsan Arslan (Writer) 01 April 2024

Have you ever heard of the term IOT? What about IIOT? These terms, which may seem foreign to you, maybe you have never heard of until today, are actually completely in our lives.

IOT (Internet of Things), the Internet of Things, is simply the name given to all objects that computers can access. IIOT (Industrial Internet of Things), on the other hand, takes the IOT concept a notch higher and describes all the technologies that computers talk about in industry.

When we made the definitions, you may have realized that you all know them very well, but you are unfamiliar with the names. Let alone whether you use this technology or not, there is almost no area where you do not use it.

You get out of bed in the morning. You are dressed, you are going to work. You stepped through the door. The light of the apartment building recognized you when it saw you and turned on. Then you called the elevator, got in, pressed the button to go down. But the elevator doesn't move. Why...? Because you are standing close to the door, you move a little further in and yes, the elevator moves, super!

You opened your car with the remote control and got in. 1 hour later, the gas light came on, and if you have a luxury car, the buzzer system was activated to "get gas". You get gasoline and arrive at work. The door of the workplace opened by itself when it saw you. It must have recognized you. J You put water in the kettle, sat down at your desk, when the water boiled, the kettle started beeping and you started drinking your coffee. Your boss calls and asks for last week's sales report. You print it out from the printer 2-3 rooms away from where you are sitting. In the evening your work is done and you are going back home. It is very cold, you want the boiler to heat the house before you leave. On the way back in your car, you turned on the boiler at home with your phone. Like this, like this, like this...

The above are very close examples that come to my mind at once. When you think about it, you will realize that you use the Internet of Things dozens of times a day. The Internet of Things covers all these objects dominated by computer software.

So what's in IIOT, how is it different from IOT, where does IIOT, the Industrial Internet of Things, fit into our daily lives, have you ever thought about it?
With the Internet of Things becoming widespread and covering almost all of our lives, of course, different areas of use have started to be explored and how to do things that people cannot do in a shorter time and automatically.

The technology that opens the car door remotely and calls the elevator from the floor you are on could have made contributions in the field of industry, of course! This technology was not too late, and objects that make your work easier by putting robots and sensors in the production area started to come into play rapidly.

Those who are old enough will easily remember: The first factories were based entirely on manual labor. This production, which was completely under human control, was both inefficient and far from control. You had to believe what the operator did and said, because you had no evidence to the contrary.

Over the past decades, people have been gradually replaced by machines. In the new technology, man was still present, but it was the machine that did the work. Man was only in command. Today, at the cutting edge of technology, it is machines that are now in command.

Taking the initiative away from humans and handing it over to machines or robots has both increased productivity and strengthened control mechanisms. While an operator gets confused even when he keeps a written record of his work and production figures in a day, the smart panel you put into production can present you the production of the last 5 years second by second.

Let the machines do the production for you, let the robots report to you. Use people only to come up with new ideas. Don't waste your time and money! Because that's what everyone has started to do, and you can't compete if you fall behind.