OPC Technology in Manufacturing Execution Systems

Ecem Karagöl (Writer) 01 April 2024

Production Tracking Systems; In your business, the existing lines, stations, in short, the entire production process, all operational data you have received from the past to the present, finished projects can be monitored retrospectively, as well as instant production allows you to monitor and intervene live.

The era we are living in and the Industry 4.0 wave has made it necessary to redefine the word production as efficient production.

Efficient production is a coordinated, coordinated, customer or market demand in the desired terminology, quantity, high quality and with the least possible operating loss, and it is undeniably important for the business to continue its activities and to exist in a competitive environment that increases day by day in parallel with the development of technology.

Among the most important reasons for the necessity of automation and production management and monitoring systems in every enterprise with a suitable value scale where production is carried out are the sustainability of production, simultaneous competition and the ability to meet market needs in a timely and accurate manner.

While production management-tracking systems are actively used in the enterprise, the accuracy-precision criterion of each stored, second-based data is vital for sustainability. This situation shows us that data collection is a very serious necessity, and it pushes us to choose wisely and effectively use the production management-tracking system and all kinds of equipment to be used in the presence of this system. Of course, being foresighted while making these choices will make the business ready or adaptable to new technologies and investment opportunities that will arise in the future.

With the ever-evolving industry and the devices demanded and used, transferring data from systems has become complex.

The communication devices between automation systems have too many variations and therefore a separate driver is required for each device, as well as the need for new software for each new version of these devices.

In order to solve these problems, which complicate the system and waste time when there is a problem or when a new solution is needed, some companies participating in the consensus have developed the OPC (Object Linking and Embedding for Process Control) standard. OPC is an intermediate layer between the data source (PLC/DCS) and the data storage (HMI) units and allows data to be transferred without both units having any knowledge of each other's internal structure.

Products that support the OPC standard have the ability to communicate directly with any OPC compatible product. Time and resources are allocated for the development and updating of a single interface without spending time and effort solving the closed communication structure. Since the standard is single, the solution of problems that may be encountered is simplified. While the asset is in question, it extends the life of the equipment, reduces the communication load, provides flexibility to the system and offers the opportunity to replace the equipment when necessary, even if the equipment is of different brands.

With the creation of this new standard, OPC, which is a communication standard that can be supported with a single interface without the need to know the internal structure of closed communication systems that are monopolized by all hardware and software manufacturers and companies producing industrial control devices, has a wide range of uses.

As OPC has become so popular and therefore widespread, OPC connectors have become available in almost every modern device.

With all this, of course, the dependency on drivers produced by different manufacturers for the same hardware has been eliminated.

OPC server is one of the systems that will help businesses in terms of future development and sustainability in accessing the data needed by production management-tracking systems.

As a result, all kinds of digitalization, technological and human-oriented development within the scope of both production management-tracking systems and industry 4.0 is inevitable, and every business owner who wants to exist in the future must adapt to technology sooner or later.