Production Management Systems - Industry 4.0 Benefits

Senem Ünsal (Writer) 02 April 2024

Production Management Systems and Industry 4.0 have become two inseparable parts in the industrial era. With the developing technology, factories have reached a level where every moment of smarter production can be monitored.

Whether it is medium-sized factories or huge production sites, they all have production systems in their structure. But the important thing is to question how healthy, how efficient a production system is and its traceability. Industry 4.0 technology helps us at this point.

At a production site

-How much production has been made? -Which machines are running? -Which machines are stopped? -What are the reasons for stopping machines? -How much production loss did the downtime cause?
The Production Management System takes instant data and provides easy answers to the problems that occur in the production area. It should be taken into consideration that production management systems increase productivity and decrease fire rates. Since every moment of production can be monitored and managed, the first step of working without stock, which is the basis of lean production, is thus taken. It should be taken into consideration that productivity increases and fire rates decrease. Thus, it will be seen that the budget allocated returns to the enterprise as profit in a short time.