Why MES , (Manufacturing Execution Systems)?

Anıl Atalay (Writer) 01 April 2024

With each passing day, the qualities of industrial products, the purchasing power of the customers of the product increase, and their demands from them increase and/or change as a result of the diversification of their processes¹. It is as important to understand and implement these changes correctly as it is to take action as early as possible.

In the process where speed, product development and diversification are so important, it is vital that all data of the companies in the production sites can be collected without errors, completeness, manipulation, tracked online and reported in the desired format.

Of course, all these are insufficient, incomplete and slow today with paper and a few personnel to be assigned in the field, which has been repeatedly seen from our field experiences that this is exactly the difference between successful and unsuccessful companies.

"While 2 hours of preparation is not enough for a two-minute speech, 2 minutes is more than enough for a two-hour speech"

Building brand loyalty has requirements that are easy to understand but difficult to implement.

In any medium where there is so much to say but so little time, all industries should be well prepared for their two-minute presentations.

Naturally, what I mean by the presentation here, for example, is that the sub-industrialist producing spare parts for an automobile manufacturer is aware that the number of mistakes he can make is small, his competitors are increasing day by day and his current market share is under constant threat.

MES , (Manufacturing Execution Systems) is the system that will allow you to say the word to be said (Industrial Big Data)³ correctly (DCAS), to ensure its traceability (Traceability), to be able to follow it in real time (Online Monitoring), to reach the desired part by filtering (Reporting) in the most effective way.